Ya Allah.......it is absolutely the dullessssst day today :-(. I wish I could go back home n basuh baju manually rather than staying here rite now. Why la admin rejected my request to attend training with my 'click' (bcos I late passing my request form to them :"->). I am now in 'no-no working' mood. next sem lama lg mau buka. freee...
in your opinion....
How old is a person to have an eligibility to be called as an 'andartu' nowdays?
tq for the response...if any
For a girl to be labelled with andartu, it is not with the age. It is just a number.
ReplyDeletebut the appearance. It's everything.
Heart is something...
andartu......... ermm.. 40 tahun kot.. ehehe
ReplyDeleteisnin memang ari tak nak wat kje..
ReplyDeletepocket pun sama tadi..^^;
andartu? 37!! :D
i dun really go into the word andartu. i hate it. itu sme pemikiran org kolot yg tidak faham erti "jodoh di tangan tuhan"...
ReplyDeleteermm..for me 40..tp, kalo nk ikutkan aku..mmg xperlu gne dh kot perkataan andartu tu zmn skrg skrg..
ReplyDeleteemm ... rasanya aku agree dgn giggle.
ReplyDeletejodoh ditangan tuhan
yg penting kita ada pencapaian dlm hidup!
thanks...help me a lot:-)
ReplyDeletetakde istilah andartu skang rasanya~
ReplyDeleteyang cakap camtu cuma tak faham dengan peredaran masa~
29 and above.. hoho..
ReplyDeleteYa ALLAH, cpt kan lah jodoh aku.. AMIN~
(sempat lagi neh)
28thn ke atas kot.....
ReplyDelete40 above..baru sesuai kot...hehe