Friday, May 29, 2009

siannye kat baby

I donno why they choose to throw away the baby like this. How could they ever think this stupid idea. If they did'nt want that baby just give the baby to somebody else la. Takpon letak depan surau elok2 kt rumah anak2 yatim ke. Bagi aku pun takpe...sanggup jaga. geram btol!! sayang je buang baby mcm tu.

TELUK BAHANG - Kehadiran sekumpulan burung gagak yang mengerumuni sesuatu di tepi jalan Batu Feringghi berdekatan kawasan Pulau Asmara di sini bukanlah asing bagi tukang sapu Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP), T. Verappa , 36. Namun, s ema lam dia berasa tidak sedap hati lalu berpatah balik untuk melihat apa yang sebenarnya dikerumuni oleh kumpulan gagak tersebut. Mengejutkan, kumpulan gagak itu sedang m ema tuk mayat seorang bayi yang masih bertali pusat dalam keadaan tertiarap di sebatang longkang di situ.

"Walaupun saya sudah terlajak kira-kira 100 meter dari tempat itu, tapi saya berasa lain macam pula sebab jumlah burung itu terlalu banyak. "Saya hampir pengsan apabila mendapati benda yang dikerumuni itu merupakan mayat seorang bayi lelaki yang cukup sifat," katanya ketika di temui s ema lam. Menurut Verappa, ketika kejadian pada pukul 10.30 pagi itu, dia baru selesai menyapu sampah di kawasan berhampiran.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


'There was a study done where a control group of 100 people were divided into two :
1) 50 people watched a very funny, tears-of laughter type movie ;
2) another 50 watched a very sad and tears of compassion type movie.

At the end of the sessions researchers collected the 'happy tears' and the 'sad tears' with eye droppers.

They found that 'happy tears' are made up of brine...salt water and not a great deal else. However the 'sad tears' were found to contain the very same chemicals and enzymes that are found in tumors, ulcers and other such lumps and bumps and sicknesses through out the body.

This test concluded that the body, when crying in sadness etc is literally flushing out all of the toxic-chemicals that accumulate and are a part of the sadness /heartache experience. Therefore if one holds back those tears, those toxic-waters will find somewhere else to deposit themselves... .and prolonged lack-of-crying-release will guarantee that the body will accumulate a huge amount of internal pollution and toxicity that should have been released through the it any wonder that the eyes sting so much when we hold back our tears?'


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Monday, May 25, 2009

Nak Tau Sebab Anda Memilih Pasangan Anda..??

Ni xtau la bole caya ke tak tp ada orang ckp bole pecaya la jugak. Kalau rase xnk caya pun xpe...tak kisah. Soalan2 yang berbentuk psikologi untuk tgk camana anda memilih pasangan anda. Sila layan

Soalan adalah seperti berikuttt

Ada 5 perkara berlaku serentak :
1) Air mendidih kat dapur >>> ni cerek pesen lama bunyi kuat skit
2) Air paip melimpah kat bilik air >>> bole dengar bunyi air melimpah
3) Bayi menangis >>> anak sedara ke ank sndiri ke tk kisah, bukan ank jiran
4) Telepon berbunyi >>> ringtone lagu feveret anda
5) Ada orang ketuk pintu >>> bertalu2 ketuk cam emergency

Anda akan settlekan yang mana satu dulu daripada perkara2 di atas?

Ok amek masa pertimbangkan dan fikir. Kalau spontan tu lagi bagus menunjukkan reaksi sebenar anda.


da susun ikut priority anda ..??

Orite..kita semak jawapan apakah keutamaan anda dalam memilih pasangan

* Kalau awak pilih tutup air mendidih >>>> awk mementingkan keselamatan dan kebolehan 'si dia' untuk membimbing anda.

* Kalau awak pilih tutup pili air >>>> awak mementingkan kekayaan, wang ringgit dan harta.

* Kalau awak pilih pujuk baby >>>> awak mementingkan cinta dan kasih sayang.

* Kalau awk pilih angkat phone >>>> awak mementingkan akhlak, budi bahasa dan personaliti pasangan anda.

* Kalau awak pilih bukak pintu >>>> awak mementingkan rupa paras, fizikal luaran dan personaliti pasangan anda.

so...camana keputusan anda?

masa sy jwb soalan ni spontan sy pilih dukung baby sambil gi tutup air mendidih sbb tak suke dengar bunyi cerek menjerit kuat2. kira cam kena cari askar / polis yg penuh kasih syng la ni kot.huhu...

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boring tahap dinasour

2nd weekend tanpa kelas. Pagi sabtu. Pagi2 memang rasa lapang...bangun slow2 otak pun lapangje tak rush. Kemas2 apa yg patut pastu kol 11 da start rase boring. Sim msg ingat dia nk ajak kluar rupe2nya nk pegi basuh baju kt UIA sbb rumah dia xnaik air. RM2 skali guna mesin basuh. hehe...murah la tu.

Tdo sampai ptg sambil bukak blog2 org lain, baca emel....Ya Allah boringnyer. Last week 1st time weekend free gi cameron...xsempat nk boring, penat jalan + mkn strawberry. Minggu ni mmg mati kutu kjap. Esok lgla tk tau nk wat ape..huhu...hellppppp.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

apa yang anda rasa

Pernahkah anda menyedari bahawa keadaan yang paling teruk apabila merindui seseorang adalah apabila mereka berada disamping anda namun anda tidak mungkin dapat bersama mereka?

Apabila anda tidak dapat merasai mereka di hujung jari anda, adakah anda merindui mereka?

Pernahkah anda terfikir apakah luka yang paling dalam sekali; berkata sesuatu dan kemudiannya berharap anda tidak melafazkannya, atau langsung tidak berkata apa-apa dan kemudiannya berharap anda telah melakukan sebaliknya?

Saya rasa perkara yang paling penting sekali adalah yang paling payah untuk disuarakan.

Jangan takut untuk memberitahu seseorang bahawa anda sayangkan mereka.

Jika anda lakukan, mereka mungkin akan mengecewakan anda tetapi jika anda tidak melakukannya, mungkin anda yang akan mengecewakan mereka.

Pernahkah anda mengambil keputusan untuk tidak bercinta hanya kerana anda takut kehilangan semua yang anda telah miliki bersamanya?

Hatilah yang memutuskan siapa yang ia sukai dan siapa pula yang tidak disukainya. Anda tidak boleh mengarah hati.Ia akan melakukannya sendiri…pada masa yang paling tidak anda sangka, mahupun diwaktu anda tidak mahu ia melakukannya.

Pernahkah anda ingin menyintai seseorang dengan sepenuh hati tetapi si dia terlalu takut untuk membenarkan anda?Kebanyakan dari kita masih terus dikelilingi penghalang, kerana kita bimbang terlalu mengambil berat, sedangkan si dia tidak seberapa, atau pun tidak sama sekali.

Pernahkah anda menyayangi seseorang dan mereka pula tidak pernah mengetahuinya?

Atau jatuh cinta pada kawan baik anda sendiri, tetapi terpaksa duduk disampingnya dan melihat dia jatuh cinta pada orang lain?

Pernahkah anda menafikan perasaan anda terhadap seseorangKerana perasaan takut ditolak adalah terlalu payah untuk ditangani?Ataupun anda menolak ketepi hasrat anda kerana merasakannya terlalu mustahil?

Kita menipu apabila kita takut …
takut pada apa yang kita tidak tahu,
takut pada apa yang orang lain akan fikir,
takut pada apa yang akan diketahui berkenaan kita.

Tetapi setiap kali kita menipu,
perkara yang kita takuti itu semakin menjadi-jadi.
Hidup adalah berkaitan dengan risiko
dan ia memerlukan anda bertindak.
Jangan menjadi seorang yang terpaksa memandang ke belakang
dan tertanya-tanya samada dia akan dapat
atau sepatutnya dapat.

Kadangkala hidup tidak memberi peluang kedua,
tiada yang akan menunggu selamanya
Kenangi masa lalu,
Ia yang telah menjadikan diri anda sepertimana sekarang.
Hargai masa Sekarang,
Ia adalah hadiah yang tidak ternilai.
Berdoalah untuk masa Hadapan,
Ia adalah dimana impian akan dipenuhi.

"Tidak ada sesuatu yang paling berharga
yang dimiliki oleh seseorang insan
selepas nikmat islam
selain teman yang soleh
Apabila kamu dapati
kewujudan kasih sayang padanya
maka peganglah dia
dengan sungguh-sungguh"

-Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab-

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Terlanjur Cinta - Rossa and Pasha

waktu bergulir lambat
merantai langkah perjalanan kita
berjuta cerita terukir dalam
menjadi sebuah dilema

mengertikah engkau
perasaanku tak terhapuskan

malam menangis
tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta

mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

* I try to understand the lyric but I could not (m_m) *

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Antara ciri2 lelaki playboy. Be cam virus Influenza A gak..berbahaya untuk jantung dan hati pompuan yg lurus bendul.

1) Di awal perkenalan sgt baik. Caring, sharing, loving...maybe kot. Makin hari dia makin bosan dengan kamu dan mula menunjukkan taring.

2) Biasanye slalu berketerampilan menarik dan mcm macho dan sentiasa kemas.

3) Depa ni biasanye tak mematuhi janji. Janji nak jumpe pastu kansel or tak punctual. Banyak alasan.

4) Bile kamu sudah nampak kesalahan dia, dia akan bg banyak alasan dan suke salahkan org lain.

5) Apabila dia kluar dengan kamu dia akan menunjukkan sikap macho nye tersebut. Kdg2 menegur ramah perempuan lain untuk membuktikan dia tidak curang pada kamu tp sebenarnye kt belakang kamu dia mmg gatal. (camana nk tau kt blakang..???)

6) Besanye depa ni berwajah agak tampan, at list pun menarik utk dipandang. (rasenya yg tak ensem pun ada kalo byk duit). So be careful ngn laki ensem + kaya....

7) Dorang ni ada skill menipu yg agak high level. Cepat dpt idea untuk menutup kesalahan tp mata xleh menipu.

8) Lelaki yg terang2an mengaku dia playboy dan mengaku saje nak main2 dulu dan belom bersedia tuk kawen. "normal la ni...muda lg", kata depa. huhu
9) KAlau laki tu sweet talker sgt pun kena hati2. Jangn mudah jatuh hati walau kamu suke cara dia bercakap. Maybe 200 org sudah kena tipu ngn dia or dia husband org. investigate dulu sbelum buat keputusan nk jatuh hati ngn dia.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

berapa lama kita di alam kubur

Seorang anak dan seorang ayah memasuki kawasan perkuburan.
Ayah : Nak, ini kubur nenek mu..mari kita berdoa untuk nenek mu.

sesudah berdoa

Anak : Ayah, waktu nenek meninggal umur 50 tahun ye yah.

Ayahnya mengangguk sambil tersenyum.

Anak : Hm...bererti nenek sudah meninggal 42 tahun ye yah?
Ayah : Ye..nenekmu sudah di alam kubur 42 tahun.

Ank menoleh sekeliling memandang kuburan lain. Disamping kubur neneknya ada kuburan tua yg susah berlumut da ada tulisan " 19-2-1882 : 30-1-1910".

Anak : Kalau yg itu sudah meninggal 99 tahun yg lalu ya ayah?
Ayah : Memang betul..kenapa nak?
Anak : hmm..ayah kan bgtau smalam bahawa kalau kita mati, lalu dikubur dan kita banyak dosanya, kita akan disiksa dineraka. Iya kan yah?
Ayah : Betul.
Anak : Iya .. Kalau nenek banyak dosanya, berarti nenek sudah disiksa 42 tahun yah di kubur? Kalau nenek banyak pahalanya, berarti sudah 42 tahun nenek senang dikubur .... Ya tak yah?
Ayah : Iya nak..kamu memang pintar.

Pulang dari kuburan, si ayah tampak gelisah Di atas sajadahnya, memikirkan apa yang dikatakan anaknya... 42 tahun hingga sekarang... kalau kiamat datang 100 tahun lagi...142 tahun disiksa .. atau bahagia dikubur .... Lalu Ia menunduk ... Meneteskan air mata....

Kalau meninggal .. Lalu banyak dosanya ...lalu kiamat masih 1000 tahun lagi berarti Ia akan disiksa 1000 tahun? ’ Innalillaahi WA inna ilaihi rooji'un’ .... Air matanya semakin banyak menitis, sanggupkah ia selama itu disiksa? Iya kalau kiamat 1000 tahun ke depan, kalau 2000 tahun lagi? Kalau 3000 tahun lagi? Selama itu ia akan disiksa di kubur. Lalu setelah dikubur? Bukankah Akan lebih parah lagi? Tahankah?

Ya Allah... Ia semakin menunduk, tangannya mengangkat, setinggi bahunya naik turun tak teratur.... air matanya semakin membanjiri pipi dan janggutnya…”Allahumma as aluka khusnul khootimah”.. berulang Kali di bacanya DOA itu hingga suaranya serak ...

Dihampirinya anak td yang tertidur. Di betulkannya selimutnya. Tanpa dia sedari, betapa sang bapak sangat berterima kasih padanya karena telah menyadarkannya arti sebuah kehidupan... Dan apa yang akan datang di depannya...

"Yaa Allah, letakkanlah dunia ditanganku, jangan Kau letakkan dihatiku..."

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Cameron Highland part 2 - 5 items

5 items I like most at Cameron

1 ) SunFlower - My favorite flower ever..shining tru yur heart and u'll feel charm. hehe

2) This Blue Bus - This is our school bus!! (excited giler kjap)..miss my good old days at school. naimians are here also.

3) Strawberry Eskrem - Delicious...gojessss!!! Fisrt time jumpe eskrem sesedap ni. No wonderla nurul edd keep telling me about this eskrem and strawberry milk shake. terbayang2 eskerem nih waktu tdo.

4) Love Fruit - Akak tu cakp ni adalah love fruit...first time dgr. mcm masam2 skit. Cinta tu masam kot. hehe

5) This sweet frend of mine's pic - ntah diorang blaja ngn citer korea mana tp sweet :->

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Ghost in Brunei

It is said that this incident happened at female students hostel where a group of students play a 'spirit' game and use 'darah haid' and coins.

p/s : dunt forget to turn on loud your speaker. jeng..jeng..jeng

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holiday at Cameron Highland

16 May on saturday is my first free weekend after 5 months (from new year celebrating)....fuhh lega. And me celebrated this first free weekend with my friends at Cameron Highland. Actually I'm not sure what and where are the interesting places to be visited at Cameron Highland..Last time I went there with my sister about 8 years ago and I feel that place is very interesting.huhu...and noww..

There are some farms to be visited like Bee Farm, Cactus Farm, Strawberry Farm (there are farm that we can pluck by our ownselves) and also Tea Plantation like Sungai Palas Tea Plantation. I like the green view of the tea plantation...huh xlarat nk tgk keter n building kt KL..rehat mata.

Sungai Palas Tea Plantation

We stayed at Dahlia Apartment. Thanks to Azizah for getting us the penthouse associated with 5 rooms with really low price!! Thanks zah...bertuah tol.

My frends in front of Srtawberry Plantation

Bee Farm

pelik2 gaya kaktus sini

For conclusion okla...but Cameron is not the best place to visit. Maybe some person will easily get bored..hehe. However in my case becos me accompanied by my charming frends so it make our holidays happening becos of them. Thank yOu. Atlist bolela release skit. Ingat nk all out everyting yg tak best in this trip but few items cannot be taken out ler.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Tagged by mr. yusmile

Ini sy mau jwb soklan2 yg telah di tagged kan oleh En. Yusmile...1st time jwb tagged, besa wat donno je sbb xsempat nk layan. orite...start ngn soklan 1. nk jwb exam la plak.

Soalan 1
anda rasa anda hot?
- Tak hot langsung.. -

Soalan 2
upload gambar kegemaran anda.

Soalan 3

kenapa anda suka gambar ini?

-Sbb mata dia ngn wajah kuceng ni yg ala2 poyo minta simpati...siann-

Soalan 4

Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?

-30 April 2009...Domino pizza...xbrape gemar...dpn SJMC..Org blanja-

Soalan 5

Lagu terakhir yg anda dengar?

-da lupe...series. mcm 'slamat ulang tahun syg' kot.-

Soalan 6

Apa yg anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini?

-Berpk pasal masa depan yg xtau redup ke cerah..sunggoh mencabar-

Soalan 7

selain dari nama anda sendiri,anda suka dipanggil dengan nama apa?

-Mokpah...sayang (kalo org tu aku syg ler..huhu..adake)-

Soklan 8

tag lagi 6 orang dengan hati yg terbuka tanpa rasa kekesalan. sila lakukan kalau tak kena denda mandatori.

1. Miss Halie

2. Kak Kay

3. Nurul Edd

4. Ilah

5. Pakcik Bemie

6. White 02

Soklan 9

Siapa no. 1 kepada anda?

-Kawan merangkap opismet merangkap teman dikala shopping, teman wat gossip dll.-

Soklan 10

Bagaimana pula dengan no. 4?

-Kawan sebelajar dulu yg slalu score dlm exam...terrer woo wpun suke tdo. hehe-

Soklan 11

Kata sesuatu tentang no. 5?

-Pakcik ni ala2 chipsmore....pastu suke roti jala-

Soklan 12

Bagaimana plak ngn org no. 3? ala2 best prend aku zamn dok matrik lg. Suka mkn kacang yg aku tak suke, pastu takut hantu-

Soklan 13

Siapakah no. 2?

Kay ni adalah jiran masa dok asrama dulu merangkap org yg ku slalu pinjam kettle tuk buat air teh memandangkan bilik slalu ada tetamu xdijemput...tima kasih kay. hehe

Soklan no. 14

bagi pesanan anda untuk orang no 6.

White.....lenkali pi pesta buku nek STAR yek. huhu

p/s : sorry ler pi tag nama2 korang....korang je la yg ada list ketupat ni. kalo xmo jwb tag pon takpa...

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Love Yourself

Some of us spend much of our time to be loved, hoping love will find us, feeling empty and lost without it. Unfortunately that is not usually how life works. You will draw to you exactly what you create in life, and what you believe you are worthy of. So loving yourself can create love in your life.
1. Stop all criticism : Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. Don't scare yourself : Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

3. Be gentle and kind and patient : Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

4. Be kind to your mind : Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change the thoughts

5. Praise yourself : Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

6. Support yourself : Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends, and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it

7. Be loving to your negatives : Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So. lovingly release the old negative patterns.

8. Take care of your body : Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

9. Mirror work : Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day, say: "I love you, I really love you!"

10. LOVE YOURSELF - DO IT NOW! Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship. Begin NOW - do the best you can.

Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah said;
" Love yourself and you will be loved"

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Upin & Ipin - Berkebun part 2

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Upin & Ipin - Berkebun part 1

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Upin & Ipin - Air Laut Air Kolah part 2

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Upin & Ipin - Air Laut Air Kolah part 1

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Upin & Ipin - basikal baru part 2

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Upin & Ipin - Basikal Baru part 1

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Upin & Ipin - Berkat

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Upin & Ipin - Pagi Raya

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Upin & Ipin - Malam Syahdu

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Upin & Ipin -Zakat Fitrah

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Upin & Ipin - Ketupat

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Merisik....this is not about 'merisik khabar' a sudirman song but this is about a common ceremony in malay culture that we can say as a first step to the ultimate ceremony which is ----------> weddding ceremony. heh...this can be a day of history for everyone ;->

In this event, representatives from a young man's family will make a friendly visit to the female family (usually already young man's gf)in order to seek information regarding the becoming bride. So then...what should they say or ask in the event? What should the young man's family bring to merisikk..? heh...sometimes this simple question gives a lot of 'kekalutan'. Usually to begin the ceremony, the representative will begin with a pantun (poem) which may sound like this.

"Kami datang dari jauh, Ingin memetik bunga di taman,
Kalau hati sudah berkenan, Boleh lah kiranya dijadikan teman"

So make sure ler your representative know how to make a pantun or reply the pantun given by the female family..however most of us nowdays just give direct talk on the purpose such as
" Kami datang ni dengan membawa hajat baik untuk merisik anak pakcik yang bernama Cik Timah.............". The name of the person you want to risik must be mentioned because maybe that pakcik have other daughters nearly the same age.

Usually the young man's family will bring a ring for merisik that we called it 'cincin belah rotan' but it is not something that necessary.Just like my sister she got 3 rings which are for merisik, meminang and also for wedding but it depend on the family and the couple themselves. If that young lady agree, they will discuss roughly about the meminang event. For random merisik which the young lady is not a girlfriend for the young man, it is possible that no progress may take place or the risikan is rejected by the female's family. Then the young man’s parents or representatives will then look for another possible candidate.

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Upin & Ipin - Sayang Kak Ros

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Upin & Ipin - Kisah dan Tauladan

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Upin & Ipin - Malam Lailatul Qadr

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Upin & Ipin - tamak

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Upin & Ipin - Adat

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upin n ipin - tadika

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Upin & Ipin - Anak Bulan

Fuhhh...I'm soo happy after walkout from the exam room. My last apalagi. Boleh la layan Upin n Ipin. hehe

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Rindu Terhenti

Dengan berbesar hati telah ku kidnap ini lirik dari blog miss cluck.
dia ni ala2 die hard fan en. tomok la kirenya..hehe..peace cik cluck!

jom kita layan bluess...nyanyi sndirik. karaoke tadak.

Rindu Terhenti

Telahku tinggalkan
Memori silamku itu
Tidak ku biarkan
Hidupku dibelit pilu

Telahku tinggalkan
Memori silamku itu
Tidak ku biarkan
Hidupku dibelit pilu
Ku pinggirkan sayu
Yang meruntun kalbuku
Kasih dulu ku biar berlalu

Ku pinggirkan lara
Yang bertaut di jiwa
Ku teruskan hidup tanpa dia

Padam nyala patah tumbuh
Hilangkan berganti
Cinta tiba, cinta pergi
Yg asal ku nanti

Ku lupakan mu jua di sini
Sedang kau pergi menjauhi..

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Monday, May 04, 2009

Handling Your Fear On failure

Fear is a feeling that too often runs our lives. Whether it is fear of commitment, rejection, failure, death, flying, or any other phobia, it tends to keep us from living our lives to the fullest. Fear can be handled rationally and can be controlled if you are willing to work on it and are motivated enough in controlling it, instead of it controlling you.

The first thing you need to do is take the time to get to know your fears. Most of the time, people are aware of their fears, but never really get to know them. Set up a time when you can sit down and have an interview with your fear. What is your fear and where does it come from, and why do you fear it? These are questions that must be provided with answers in order to better understand your fear, so that you can start brainstorming about methods that will work best for you.

Start with acknowledging what the fear really is. Once you are fully aware of what your fear is, then work on figuring out where it comes from. For example, if you have a fear of failure, what gave birth to such a fear? There is a cause for everything, so if you feel puzzled on tracking down the place of where it came from, keep looking inside yourself until you find it. Did you do poorly in school as a young child? Did your parents constantly pressure you to do well, making you feel anxious and incapable of ever pleasing them? Knowing where your fear comes from is the biggest key to understanding it. Understanding your fears is good because it also means that you are able to find solutions to it.

After making the discovery of where your fear(s) come from, you may then ask yourself why you fear it so much. Many people have a fear to fly, for instance, because they hear news of airplane crashes and are terrified that they might share the same fate as the planes that crashed. Others fear flying because they are intimidated with the fact that they would be so high above the ground. Learning why your fear exists so strongly is important and will help you learn more about yourself and the way you think about things.

Once you figure all of this out, what do you do to handle your fear? Research tends to help greatly. Let's say you have a fear of commitment. The best thing to do is look back at all the experiences that helped build this fear. Did you get heartbroken several times from past relationships and now run away when an opportunity for a serious relationship comes to surface? Go back in time to those relationships and re-live what went wrong and why. You will discover that all those situations were different in some way and handled in different ways. What does that tell you? It tells you that no one is the same and no relationship is perfect. Admitting to this fact will help you understand that running away is not the answer, but what you really need to do is face and accept the imperfection in your relationships and work on ways to better the challenging situations.

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