"Don't lie unnecessarily.... you will get stressed"
~ my lecturer aka OSH doctor~
I am definitely agree. Can't you just tell the truth and ask for apology if you did wrong.
Lying can be a habit for some people. They didn't even care what is the impacts to the
others side with the 'stupid lying' they created. Sungguh xbaik...(~_~)
Biasanya person yg make lie also xbahagia. When you start a first lie...then it will be followed with the 2nd, 3rd lie and so on.

example ye...
wife : abang..knapa lewat harini balik?
husband : tayar pancit la yang (1st lie) ~ padahal gi clubbing ngn member2
wife : yeke..siannye. kat mana tayar pancit?
husband : tu..kt area jln tun razak (2nd lie)
wife : abang tukar tayar sndiri ke ada org tolong? (normal la pompuan suka tanye sbb concern)
husband : tukar sndiri je lah....sape la yg nk tolong (3rd lie)
mother : vivek...how's your school today?
vivek : ok mom....everything is ok (padahal ponteng skolah) ~ 1st lie
mother : Didn't teachers gave you any homework today?
vivek : emmm...I've done it all ~ 2nd lie
mother : Oh...can I see your books?
vivek : oo...aa...my friend borrowed from me la mom. ~ 3rd lie
gf : U pegi mana smalam...I call U tak angkat pun.
bf : I tdo awal la smalam. penat keje seharian (padahal kluar ngn awek lain) ~ 1st lie
gf : oo..yeke. biasa U kan slalu tdo lewat. Ksiannye penat
bf : Yela..tp smalam byk sgt kerja bos bg. sampai2 rumah terus lelap ~ 2nd lie
gf : Bgusnye...rajin sungguh U kerje
bf : Ha'a...sy mmg rajin. hehe ~ 3rd lie

See...from the 1st lie you make, you have to create another lie to support your
1st lie and so on. Hati anda takkan bahagia jugak bila slalu create lie. Dan yang penting sepandai2 tupai melompat akan jatuh ke tanah jua. hehe
So, jdlah seorang yg telus....baik...cukup apa yg ada....appreciate org yg anda ada as how they appreciate you. Don't lie if you unsatisfied with something but dsicuss about it.
Dan yg paling pnting sy percaya bila kita menipu org
someday kita pun akan ditipu. Bila kita buat aniaya dekat org someday
kita pun akan terkena jugak.
Ini mcm hukum karma la tp sy percaya ini adalah sebab Tuhan tu adil.
~Hiduplah dalam suasana sihat dan tidak stress tanpa menipu~ ;-d
(cam iklan dr health gomen)
aarla...lie lie lie..byk tul lie...huhu
ReplyDeletebetul to..kalu dh sekali menipu mmg akn terus menipukn.....
ReplyDeletevivek??? haha.