Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Thanks to yus for my new layouts. Jasamu dikenang..hehe...tetiba rasa bersemangat nk update blog ni walaupun da makin bz disebabkan sem baru akn bermula mid jan 2009. So, byk benda kena prepare for becoming sem wif new students yang semakin ramai.

This also means new year is 'around the corner'. Masa sgt cepat berlalu dan dlm masa setahun ni pun byk benda yg berlaku. Ada yg dtg n pergi...ada yg dtg tp blom pergi lg. Ramai yg dah kawen trmasukla my ank sedara. This weekend also my good friend akan naik pelamin..insyaallah. Aku bile lg...(o_0) ???

Kenduri kawen sana sini tp byk yg tak mmpu pegi sbb takleh cuti n balik kg. Priority come first..sorang lg ank sedara akn lansungkan perkahwinan chinese new year nnti. Terpaksala hadapi soalan2 tak best dr org lain...tekanan macm makin hebatje. Nasib baik family da kurang marah, mybe diorang pun makin paham stress aku kot. Lpas tu diorang xbyk 'push' lg wpun adala nada kecewa tu. Ksian kt aku kot sama.. Macm2 sponsor dah diorang tawarkan kalo aku kawen. ank raja. Diorang xtau yg adik diorang ni keras hati cam batu. Sorrylah...xtau nk buat camana dah..:-<

Berharp sgt...end of this year boleh habis dengan baik n becoming year bleh start dengan baik. Yg penting maal hijrah tu...kena juga hijrah kan diri pd yg lebih baik. Insyaallah...

Kawen...soalan yg xmampu nk jwb. Xmampu jugak nk pk lebih2...stress jdnya. Itu smua suratan jodoh. Ada yg kawen pd umur belasan tahun bile tak terpk pun nk kawen (very close to me) dn ada yg tunggu je jodoh sampai tp tak sampai2 pun. Itu semua da ketentuan Tuhan. Kita cuba buat yg terbaik yg mampu kita pk je.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

...full weekend...

For the xxx time...I went to the career carnival. This time at PWTC organized by Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Malaysia (not quite sure..hehe). However this time carnival is more to communication, IT, management, engineering (electrical n mechanical only). The most suit position with me only with PETRONAS and SYABAS which I really understood 'kebarangkalian' to get the interviews are very low. hehe...if they process all the resume pun sudah bgus. dahla ada trjadinya sedikit salahfaham ngn syid sbb carnival ni. harap2 will be ok soon. People easily judge situation by what they see/feel...even sometimes things happened out of our control...(ntahle paham tak ayt aku nih).

Then Sim ask my help to accompany her n her sister to PKNS. da 3 taun xpegi sana. Dulu bole dikatakn tiap2 minggu pegi sana masa dok rumah sewa shahalam. Dalam nk control pengeluaran duit.... abeh gak duit utk servis keter buat beli baju.

Semalam pegi tgk bowling tournament organized by SIM (Sahabt Interaktif Malaysia). Yang paling best bile tgk ank2 yatim dari kajang main bowling. hehe...dahla badan diorang kecik kenala diorang baling bola ngan kedua2 tangan. dah tak mcm main boling lg dah...mcm main bola baling pun ada aku
tgk. haha...pertandingn sape yg masuk longkang paling byk. Seronokla n I really rsepect SIM for wat they plan n did n their effort to help yayasan nurhikmah. Well done!! aku da bawak pic dorang...hepy je muka2 budak ni. hehe...sronok.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Beautiful Thoughts n Happiness

Beautiful Thoughts

1) Respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned. Respect is earned only by giving it away.
2) A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
3) Never walk on the traveled path, becos it only leads you where the others have been.
4) Always, there is a drop of madness in love but always, there is a drop of reason in madness.

5) Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who lament, very short for those who celebrate, but for those who love, time is eternity.

6) Many people lose the small joys in hope for the big happiness.

7) A good plan for today is better than a perfect plan for tomorrow.

8) Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new erros to commit.

9) If a drop of water falls in a lake, there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus, there shines like a pearl. We need to choose the best place where we can shine.

10) When we reach for the stars, we may not quite get them, but we won't come up with a handful of mud either.

11) In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is do the right thing, the worst thing you can do is do nothing.

12) Love me when I less deserve it, because it's then when I need it most.

13) If I could return to youth, I would commit all those errors again, but a bit earlier.

14) Nothing can be taught to a man, but it's possible to help him to find the answer within himself.

Happiness for us
1) Try some new interests but don't force yurself....
2) Be healthy. A healthy body brings you happy feelings. :->
3) Have a nice rest when you need it. Don't over exert your body.
4) Moderate sports make you relaxed.
5) Love those around you and bring happiness to them.
6) Greet people with a nice smile and the same will return.
7) Forget those things that make u unhappy and forgive those people that bring you unhappiness.
8) Care for your family, your friends, your job and everything around you with your heart.
9) Don't be so fastidious with your life... be always full with gratitude
10) Enjoy your life and don't waste time on unnecessary worries.
11) Be satisfied with the happiness you have and be able to endure hardship as well. Never forget to forgive.
12) Devote yourself to your career but never become its slave.
13) Create something for yourself which is easily realised.
14) Spend one day at a time in different ways.
15) Spend a little bit of time everyday reflecting on yourself.
16) Look back to those things which have made you happy.
17) Always think posotively....
18) Refresh yurself by creating some interesting moments.
19) Seize instant inspirations and make the best use fot it.
20) Schedule your job appropriately so that you can free your time and energy.
21) Gather some anecdotes and jokes and share them with your frends.
22) Arrange a holiday which you can spend with people you like.
23) Watch comedy.
24) Spend time with your good friends.
25) Give a pleasant surprise to people you love.

May I wish you a happiness everyday...hehe

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Monday, November 10, 2008

me n my good old frends

Last weekend aku jumpe 2 org member skolah dulu yg da 10 taun tak jumpe. Sronok ler tgk cara masing2 da brubah. sorang da jd majistret beb (zizah)...sorang lg bz ngn sistem komputer nye (shahida). Appearance pon da brubah...hehe. kalo dulu dok pi kelas prep ngn baju tak iron n slipar jepun, skarang nih fuhh....siap ngn selendang nk kluar mkn mlm. ayu gtu saing aku. Tp si shahid ni cam stail aku je...sluar jeans n tshirt cukupla pi mana2. sim plak maintain ayu je ssuai ngn title ank ustazah.

Mmg btuah kawn aku zizah ni...keje gomen mmg untungler. dpt quarters apartment besar lak tu. kalo nk compare dengan aprtmnt kt KL ni...hmm...hampeh. aku mmg suka design aprtment dia sbb jenis 4 segi, bukn memanjang cam aprtmnt kt KL. ngn view putrajaya plus angin sepoi2 rasa cam pi holiday. balkoni dia luas n dua balcony so cam open la apartmnt tu. takla rase gelap n tertutup cam sini...hehe. aku ni dok kutuk apartmnt kt KL je. jgn ada yg saman dah.

Dulu kami skolah smua pompuan...sronok sgt. bebasje...terlebih bebas pun ada. hehe...zizah ni org paling aktif ler kt skolah dulu. ssuai ngn keje dia skarang ler. Byk bnda la kami borak..dr kisah dulu sampai skarang. kwn2 yg kebanyakn da kawen n masih single. huhu...brape org jela geng single ni. Patu msk tomyam sama2 ngn solat jemaah n mkn sesama. kluar pi pusing2 putrajaya sampa kena halau kt en. polisi sbb dah 12 mlm n then balik ler. borak2 lg n tdo ntah kol brape.

Bile dikenang2 my good old days kt skolah dulu mmg sronok. Ngn title librarian ni aku n geng aku ler yg dok pegang kunci library. mlm2 pun tdo library kunun stady tuk SPM tp hampehje...borak lebih psl citer antu ler hape la. Zizah n d geng plak trmasuk sorang ank sdara aku pengawas asrama la plak. aku ni pun penah kena denda ngn dorang sbb monteng prep...kantoi.
Skarang bile da besar masing2 ada jln hidup sndiri sbagaimana yg Allah da tetapkan. Ada yg mudah perjalannye...blajar, dpt keje, kawen, dpt anak n ada yg panjang dn agk brliku2 perjalannye tp smua tu kena la bersyukur. Slagi masih dlm islam n ada iman brsyukurla. Hrp saing2 dulu smua dpt hidup yg dirahmati slalu.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

perasan atau tidak.............?????

Sesuatu yang anda tidak perasan atau tidak terfikir langsung...

1.Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.

2.Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.

3.Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.

4.Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.

5.Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.

6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.

7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.

8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.

9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.

10.Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah disebaliknya.

11.Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirlah semula; mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.

12.Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendirilambat- laun anda akan memperolehinya.

13.Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima.Lupakan segala makihamun, ca! ci & cela.

14.Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.

15.Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik.

No. 1 >>> I dun think anyone would die for me now...10 years ago mybe yes.
No.2 >>> hopefully there are 15 or more but if not..i'm also grateful :->
No.3 >>> Seems like nobody want to be me coz nobody seems hating me...hehe
No.4 >>> like the song "I will miss yur bright eyes n sweet smile". huhu
No.5 >>> Are there??? (o_0)
No.6 >>> Wah...that's good if I meant to someone
No.7 >>> No lah...everybody happy on their own way
No.8 >>> Am I special....??? (looking myself in the mirror)
No.9 >>> Yeke....actually I not really sure if there a person really love me. huhu..sob2
No.10 >>>Yes...everybody hope so.
No.11 >>>O..yeah. maybe.
No.12>>> confidence babe..!!!
No.13>>>Pernah ada org puji ke...lupa da
No.14 >>>I love u....I'm sorry....really dissappointed wif makan hati..i'm happyyyy.....n whateve lah
No.15 >>>psst psst missy....thanks for being my good friend. really appreciate

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Never let yurself love somebody's husband


Ntah naper tetiba rase nk pesan kt smua perempuan kt malaysia ni agar diorang tak tersalah lngkah to love or terlove husband org. Penah terbaca dlm majalh (motivasi dr. Tuah) yg sorang perempuan, married woman go to see dr Tuah to tell him her problem about her being fall in love with somebody's husband. Isteri org jatuh cinta kt husband org...Bermula as a friend an then both of them falling in love with each other. Dalam hati aku... Asalla wife org ni gatal lg kt org lain. Husband org ni pun satu..miang. Cait...

And it reminds me about my good friend, nearly 11 years we have been together as a good friend. 1 day she told me that her bf is somebody's husband with 3 sons if I not mistaken. The problem is she didn't knew that the guy has been married until that day. So...I cannot blame her for having scandal with somebody's husband. And from that day I became a 'kaunselor xterlatih' for her. Slalu call aku n nangis sbb xdpt lupakan that guy. Dia mau lupakan lelaki tu tp bile da rase sayang susah nk buang. While that guy sedaya upaya nk teruskan hubungan siap ajak kawen n sudah mintak permisi wife dia untuk tambah cawangan. My friend ask me ok tak kalo jd wife no. 2...haha. aku pun blur2 nk jwb soklan tu tp dgn susah pyh aku cube cr fakta2 kukuh supaya dia tak suke laki tu. dalam hati aku rase nk pegi jumpe laki tu n nak 'lempang'je dia. Alhamdulillah, at last kawan aku berterima kasih kt aku sbb aku btul2 tarik dia dr laki tu. hehe...dia kata kalo takde support dia mmg fail or mybe trima laki tu.

At that time, I cannot understand why my friend still love that guy after she knew that he lied to her about his status. If it was me, I thought I will hate that guy on that time I knew. But now as time passes, my thinking also change (maybe sbb da makin tua kot)....bukan senang nak buang org yg da kita syg. Disadvantage cinta 3 segi ngan husband org ni akan byk kesannya pada org ke-3. Why...?
1) Kecewa sbb kena tipu bila tibe2 wife dia call tanya apa hubungan kita ngn husband dia.
sakit jantung dak. Ataupun sampai satu tahap dia sndiri mengaku sudah beristeri.
2) Kemungkinan besarla akan jd enemy seumur hidup oleh wife dia. haha...sementara dia
rileksje sbb wife xberani nk marah dia.
3) Sometimes bile 3rd party ni nk luahkan perasaan pasal kes ni...ramai org akan ckp,
"itula..sape suh cr pasal ngn husband org". " Yg ko nk layn tu knape bile da tau husband org".
100% hanye 3rd party akn dipersalahkan. huhu...pendam jela sorang2.
4) Melawan perasaan rindu..benci..kecewa...bla bla bla. Masa je la mampu merawat..heh.
5) Sedangkan kebanykan husband org ni hanyela main2 je...saje nak buang masa n hilangkan
boring. nk tambahkan rempah dlm hidup dia...dia sendiri pun sebenarnya takut wife.
Kebanyakan kes mcm ni rasenya dsebabkan sikap selfish kaum laki.

So gadis2, anak2 dara, janda whatever careful. Don't let yurself fall in love with someone's husband. kalo da jodoh jd madu nk wat ganer kalo boleh elak untuk kebaikan elakkanlah. Bile da terlove husband org n mau melupakan dia, cuba ni :
1) Every day convince yurself that u will never love someone's husband. "Aku tak suka dia".
" Ksian wife dia kalo aku suke dia". "Tak sampai mana pun suke laki org ni". pk la ape2 yg
patut sbb pakar motivasi kata kita akn jd apa yg kita pk. hehe...lama2 perasaan tu hilng.
2) Stop telling yur friend about him except if they asked you. Close the story about him n kita
sndiri pun akn kurang tringt dia. xperlu luahkan prasaan slalu kt org. Be natural...
3) Cari sebanyk mana perkara yg kita bnci ada kt diri dia. Kalo xdapat cari...create sndiri bnda
yg kita benci tu dr sikap2 dia yg kita kenal.
4) Just imagine him like lelaki2 yang kita tak suka. selfish...gatal...lemau...hehe.

Cukupla tu kot...hopefully this petua can 'reduce' yur feeling to him or 'demolish' the feeling at all. oklah...aku pun dah rase sgt lega n ringan kepala after write this blog. Good for me. haha

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Thursday, October 16, 2008


My first blog...hehe. Masih blur2 apa nk tulis kt blog ni. Tp memandangkan waktu yg boring dan hujan lebat mcm ni plus lagi xtau nk wat ape tulisje la ape2 sini. Lagipun blog ni bukan nk dipromote kt sape2 pun..jd tmpat tuk hilang boring je.

Sempat lg ni nk wish Selamat Hari Raya kt sape2 yg trbaca blog ni...haha. Selamat Ari raya smua.
Ingat nk start pose tp xsempat2 lg..nape ntah. Kes malas ler nih...da kena tunggu 6hari lg kalu nk start pose. Buang masa sungguh la rase. Harp2 smpat pose 6hari dlm bulan syawal ni.

After raya ni mood aku down sungguhler..nape ntah. Bulan pose punyela smangat . Tp lps raye ni mcm hilang abes mood...sampaila arini baru rase ada life balik. Mcm kena sedut je all the kena kiss kt dementor dlm citer heri potter. Alhamdulillah lps amek cuti smalam dan sampai 'waktu nye'...normal la balik. HArap2nye tak jd lagi mcm ni....kalau xde mood skali pun xmau lagi sampai tahap ni. Mau sakit jiwa rase. haha...

But I realize I cannot blame others for what I feel...There must be something that I should learn more. About the familyhood relationship, things or whatever, it depends on ourself to conduct the way it is. Sometimes I feel really regret n dissappointed but I also admit nothing I can do by bringing this feeling to matter what happen, xmungkin sampai nk putus hubungan wpun sakit hati. bak kata pepatah mlayu la..sbb kite org mlayu..'Air dicincang takkan putus'. Ntahler..harapnya.

So today as I become normal, then I should think positively towards what i'm gonna do next. Really hope that my application to further master degree will be accepted. he..that will bring some cheers to me really. Insyaallah.

ni aku amek dari buku 'La Tahzan' :

"Seorang yg bertindak perlahan
terkadang dapat mencapai tujuannya
Org yg tergesa-gesa
kadang-kadang mengalami ketergelincir"

Buatla apepun..janji niat betul dan cara pun betul..Insyaalah.

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